‘Presenting Yourself Confidently in Business’

I delivered a talk to a lovely group of people on Wednesday 5th December

titled: ‘Presenting Yourself Confidently in Business’

here is the slide showing what we covered

Presenting covers so many things – from how you present yourself, whether in person or over the phone, in emails and on social media, across your Branding, literally delivering a speech, talk or presentation – to ‘Being Present’

A present is also a gift

Presenting is a way of giving information- so people are informed about an event, a promotion or new product, idea or concept and to raise awareness, generate interest and to educate, so people can make informed choices, or it could be to raise money for a good cause.

Many people have a Fear of presenting and there are many reasons why – the fear of being judged, and feeling exposed, getting it wrong, embarrassing oneself or forgetting what to say, or worrying that you have nothing good to say that people will want to listen to. During the talk, we discussed whether people really do judge you in the way that you think, in this situation – and generally they don’t – do You?

Here is why – we are generally thinking about ourselves! it’s true – and whether what is being said or shown, is of benefit to us – we may switch of and be thinking about what’s for tea, or the email you should have sent, or not be interested. As the presenter – it’s your job to try and know your audience and there are many ways to do this – depending on the type of event it is – and it is good to remember that not everybody will be interested, but that’s OK.

When it comes to the fear or Anxiety – the best way to get around this is to get out there and do it! To feel Confident – you need to Practice Practice Practice and know your subject – do it in front of the mirror, others or video yourself – so that the first time you do it – isn’t the actual presentation or talk itself!! and you can get the timings right.

You need a little bit of Adrenaline – and you can learn how to control anxiety – one good thing to remember is it’s the same adrenaline if you’re Excited therefore;   ANXIETY = EXCITEMENT  our mind believes what we tell it – so Choose!

Also, check out your venue beforehand – arrive early – introduce yourself and your subject – have a clear key message and maybe 3 – 7 key points and objectives, to help your audience know what to expect, but it also helps your when planning your presentation / talk /video -to start with the end in mind.

Don’t tightly script what you want to say – bullet point your key points – put notes on PowerPoint – to print off as an aid (PowerPoint) also has presentation mode – so you know whats coming next – don’t overcrowd the slides, they are there as a visual aid only! Invest in a ‘clicker’ – have handouts and extra information for those who want it. Have a checklist of what to take with you – put everything on it – including ‘Take Presentation’ or ‘take handouts’ Computer – cables – plan B! – which could be your presentation on a memory stick, or emailed to yourself or the organiser.

BREATHE  and SMILE and most of all be YOU there is so much more – so get in touch if you want more information 🙂




Mental Health in the Workplace

This Wednesday 10th October 2018 is WORLD Mental Health Day

I will be in Maidstone Kent at County Hall, Kent with the FSB for MENTAL HEALTH in the Workplace

It is sure to be a very informative event to help all employers and staff – to encourage a healthier happier workplace – which has a massive impact and helps people to feel so much happier.

What is good Mental Health?

“Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”

The Mental Foundation reiterate this “Good mental health is not simply the absence of diagnosable mental health problems”

When a person’s Mental Health is compromised it can affect their work, their family life and friendships, and their physical health too.

Latest figures from the Health and Safety Executive is:

2016/2017 12.5 million working days lost due to Stress, Depression and Anxiety

Which is now 40% of all work absence, compared to the previous 2015/2016 of 37%

This equates to an average of 23.8 days a year lost per person

My personal argument is, there is also the days prior to absence – loss of focus and productivity when a person is feeling stressed, overwhelmed, tired, depressed or anxious. Prevention is always preferable, and it is in the interest of all of us, regardless of size of business – to look after our own Mental Health, to take responsibility. If you are the Boss, yours really matters, and is a great example for any employees you have, but also, if you feel good, the knock-on effect is -so will they.

To create the best working environment we can, offer and maintain a good Life/work balance and to let people know they are Valued.

No-one can run on empty, family and social life is important to our mental well being and happiness, making us more productive. One thing above all things, to get the best from an employee, to have great productivity and Loyalty – is to let them know they are Valued, that their role is important, to make sure they understand what their role is, and how it fits in with everyone else’s, and to spend time on their development  – so you have happy loyal productive employees.

A few tips:

  • Take lunch away from your desk or work station and have a proper break, go for a walk, even 10 minutes helps – most people do not do this!
  • Have regular team meetings
  • Prioritise workloads – to avoid duplication, and overwhelm and allow for –
  • Good time management
  • Leave work at a time that allows valuable time at home with your family, or friends
  • Exercise – in whatever form you love – the mental health benefits are huge, as well as gaining great physical health too
  • Take on a team challenge!
  • Practice Mindfulness – it works! as does learning Stress management
  • Train in Mental Health at work to help take the stigma away – we all have times we need help and support, you can also enlist dedicated companies for your staff to talk to
  • Have numbers for supportive organisations clearly visible – there are so many wonderful ones from MIND, to CALM (Campaign Against living miserably) aimed at men, ANXIETY UK, Heads Together, The Samaritans, Re-think Mental illness, Time to Change… there are so many


Just a few things, there is so much more. The work I do is to work on Confidence, and self-esteem to really help people recognise their skills and reach their full potential.


6 week course ‘Confidence to be your Best You’

I am delighted to be running a 6 week course

The results I have had so far from other courses is amazing and I am so passionate about helping you develop Confidence and feel happier about being YOU and to go forward with what you want to do.

I have published the courses on social media and already had such amazing support and feedback

‘Liz Bylett – This is such an awesome course, I had the pleasure of attending a class that Andre ran which was very similar, yes I am very confident in many areas of my life but I believe we can all learn something new and Andrea’s extensive knowledge in this area inspires and embeds tools and resilience to deal with life’s challenges.

Yes it was brilliant wasn’t it?? Thoroughly recommended! – Julie Quick

I am working with Andrea now and she is amazing . X   – Julie B

Sarah Hawes – This course will be amazing if you’re looking to be more confident and happy.
I can highly recommend Andrea – she has changed my life with her hypnotherapy and is such a lovely person – just right for a course like this!’















I hope to see You


Have Confidence in yourself and your abilities, to take you forward after exams.


Confidence really is from the inside. It is ‘intangible’ and different for all of us, in different situations. When it comes to exam results, regardless of what they are – excellent, or not as good as hoped for – confidence in yourself and your abilities will help you to move forward. If you did not get what you hoped for, all is not lost at all – school is not the end of learning, or the dream of what you want to achieve. There are always options open to you, to either improve on grades, or to look at alternative ways of getting to where you would like to be. Ask any seasoned adult, and they will tell you ‘please do not worry, you will look back and realise that you didn’t need to’.


Do get support if needed and talk about the way you feel, you will be surprised, and how much of a mixture of thoughts and feelings you may have about the next step, whether University, College, Sixth Form, an Apprenticeship or a Job, from excitement – to feeling anxious, or doubting yourself.


Exam results are indeed an indicator of how well you have done in a certain subject, but there is more to it than that, which is where you can take heart, as there are other things that are very important too, and that more and more employers particularly, are looking at:

Your communication skills; with people face to face, on the phone, via email or any other medium, and how you interact with others. (customers and work colleagues of all levels)

Whether you have initiative – meaning that if you see something needs doing you do it, or help colleagues or customers if you can see they need assistance, even if it isn’t ‘your job’ – one employer put it like this:- ‘don’t come and tell me there is an item in the way that could be a trip hazard, move the item, and then let me know you have moved the item out of the way and secured it, because it could have been a trip hazard.’

Being Self Motivated and able to Plan and Organise your work and see the task through within the time allocated to the task – Time Management



Flexibility, in terms of being able to adapt to changing situations and environments

Awareness of how your role fits into the bigger scheme of things for the company, how it relates to those around you and Teamwork

Confidence to either ask for help rather than make a mistake, or admit to having made a mistake, rather than try to cover it up

If you are young, one way to develop these skills is to do volunteering, join a sports group or organisation you are interested in, maybe travel and experience different environments, where you have to organise yourself and learn to budget.

Working on all of these skills, as an enhancement to your exam results, helps put you ahead and gives you the Confidence to be You and enjoy your new experiences – whether Uni, college or work, which then increases your Confidence – and Competence – in your abilities and helps you feel happier and be a happy positive person to be around.

I hope this helps – I can also help with interviews, see a previous post on interview skills

Andrea – Your Confidence Coach