Help with Anxiety during Covid19

Anxiety can happen and increase for anyone when there is uncertainty, especially around change that does not seem to have clarity – like the current relaxation of Lockdown & just when you may have got into a routine!

Ways to help your anxiety

Be Kind to yourself if you are feeling anxious, it is valid to be feeling worried.

Make sure you talk about your fears with people you trust.

Remember this is unchartered waters for us all.

Focus on what you can control like:

•          Still observing social distancing when going out, and integrate yourself slowly to doing more things

•          You can wear a facial covering when on public transport, or in a queue, though do remember keeping your hands clean and avoiding touching your face as much as you can is the best way to avoid the spread of any infection

•          If going back to work – speak to your employer and other colleagues on what works for you all, and recognise that tensions may be high for everyone, until you get into a routine with a new way of working – give yourself and everyone else time to adjust

•          Children going back to school – schools will be working out the best ways to do things – do raise your concerns if you have them, or suggestions that may help.

•          When your anxiety feels like a 7 – 8 – 9 or 10

*Imagine you are pressing a ‘Pause button’ which gives you time out to

*breathe in and out slowly and deeply

*think of a calm or uplifting colour wrapping itself around you like a hug

* ask yourself what can I do that will make me feel better right now?

*Maybe you can talk to someone?

*Turn up some uplifting music

*Go for a walk

*Bake or cook something good to eat…

•          As always try to reflect on the positives in the situation

•          Be grateful for what is good in your life right now.

I hope this helps
