10 ways to look after MIND, BODY and SOUL



Our Mind, Body and Soul are linked.

Looking after yourself in every respect, creates balance in your life

You cope well in all areas of your life by looking after You, perform better, reaching your potential, by being a healthy happy You.

Putting You first is not selfish, it is essential.

‘If you’re OK, you world is better’ 

  1. Cleanse your body and keep your mind clear by drinking plenty of water. By staying hydrated – you perform better, it helps your immune system, keeps your joints supple, and aids digestion. You will also have better skin.
  2. Nourish your body with great food, that fuels you, and aids your body to stay healthy.
  3. Make time for You – to do the things that feed your Soul, like art, nature, music, reading, travel or spending time with family and friends
  4. Exercise – to keep your body and mind healthy – the benefits of regular exercise are amazing, helping you to not only keep fit, but to help keep a healthy mindset, to feel energised and to sleep better. I like to exercise outside, and I then feel like I’m feeding my soul too.
  5. Get enough sleep. As we all know, lack of sleep really can make you feel under par, and affects everything that you do. It can lead to feeling stressed, not coping so well with situations and people. Real lack of sleep can lead to accidents too, as poor sleep affects the cognitive ability of your mind, your co-ordination and reaction times. If you think your poor sleep is due to ill health, then you must seek advice from your GP. Do try and have a good bedtime routine, wind down properly, like having a relaxing bath, warm milky drink, cutting out on caffine, switching off devices, listening to relaxing music, or read / listen to a book etc…
  6. Spend time with people that make you feel good, that support you, where you can be yourself. We generally feel happier, if we feel we belong, and are accepted in some way.
  7. Learn to say NO to others so you don’t burden yourself with doing too much for others, at the expense of You, and what you need. It can help to say: “let me check I can do that for you” if someone asks you to do something, this gives you a ‘pause‘ to really think about whether you truly have the time, or want to do what has been asked of you.
  8. Take up mindfulness or meditation – most especially if you suffer with anxiety, stress or depression, chronic illness or pain. The overall health benefits for your mind, body and soul are incredible.
  9. Get a hobby or interest – doing something you love, with likeminded people, and being part of a community, has huge health benefits. You could join a sport group and not only have comeradere but support in terms of getting fit, and quite often make new friends and get a social life too. Maybe something like a photography group, an organisation or charity where it is about helping others, a choir, a walking group, an art class, a local conservation group…the list is endless
  10. The power of music is proven to change your mindset. Listening and dancing to uplifting music, or nostalgic tunes, has an amzing effect on all aspects of your health and mood. If you’re feeling a little down, or anxious, put on a happy uplifting tune, and try not to feel better!

Just 10 ways to feed your Body Mind and Soul – we are all different, and you will know what works best for you, to help you feel happy and healthy.

Make time for YOU – look after YOU

If you want to know more – then do get in touch


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